
How to Perform the Renegade Row Exercise

The renegade row is an exercise that can be performed with a weight plate or dumbbell. The muscles targeted are the back, shoulders, and triceps. This article will provide an overview of the muscle-building priorities of the renegade row and how to perform it correctly. Lastly, we will focus on some common variations of this exercise and mistakes people make while performing it.

What muscles does the renegade row exercise work?

The renegade row is an exercise that the full body. The renegade row mostly targets the back muscles. The back muscles worked are the latissimus dorsi, middle trapezius, and lower trapezius. The lats are targeted when you row the weight up to your side. The traps are targeted when you hold the weight in the air at your side.

Secondary muscles that this movement works are the chest and triceps. The chest is worked by the pushing motion of the arms. The triceps are worked by the extension of the elbows at the top of each repetition.

The renegade row is different than other exercises because it also works the core muscles. The core muscles are worked by stabilizing the body during the exercise. Core strength is important in your daily life because it helps you maintain good posture and prevents injuries.

How do you perform the renegade row exercise?

The renegade row can be performed with a weight plate or dumbbell. The starting position is with the weight plate or dumbbell on the ground and your feet shoulder-width apart. begin in a push-up position with your hands gripping the plate or dumbbell. Your back should be straight and your core should be engaged. This is the starting position. From here, row the weight up to your side while keeping your body in a plank position. The elbow should be close to your side and the shoulder should be pulled back. Return the weight to the starting position and repeat.

Cues to focus on during the exercise are to keep your back straight to avoid injury and to squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of each repetition. It is also important to keep your core engaged to stabilize your body. Move the weight plate or dumbbell in a straight line and do not let your body swing during the exercise.

Common Mistakes

One of the most common mistakes people make when performing the renegade row is to let their hips and shoulders rotate during the exercise. This puts unnecessary stress on the lower back and can lead to injury. Another mistake people make is to use momentum to swing the weight plate or dumbbell up to their chest. This takes away from the muscle-building benefits of the exercise. It is important to focus on using your muscles to move the weight and not let your body swing.

Renegade Row Variations

There are many variations of the renegade row that you can try.

Variation #1: Inverted Row

The inverted row is a Renegade Row variation that can be performed with a barbell or TRX suspension trainer. The starting position is with your feet on the ground and your hands gripping the barbell or TRX handles. Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your heels. Bend your elbows and pull yourself up to the bar. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Variation #2: Kneeling Renegade Row

The kneeling renegade row is a variation of the renegade row that can be performed with a weight plate or dumbbell. The starting position is with your knees on the ground and your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on the weight plate or dumbbell and row it to your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Variation #3: Standing Renegade Row

The standing renegade row is a variation of the renegade row that can be performed with a weight plate or dumbbell. The starting position is with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Place your hands on the weight plate or dumbbell and row it to your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Variation #4: Cable High Row

The cable high row is a variation of the renegade row that can be performed with a cable machine. The starting position is with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Grip the handle of the cable machine and pull it to your chest.


The renegade row is an effective exercise for building muscle. It works the muscles in the back, shoulders, and core. The main mistakes people make when doing this exercise are using momentum to swing the weight and rotating their hips and shoulders. There are many variations of this exercise that can be performed depending on what equipment you have available. Try incorporating the renegade row into your workout routine to build muscle and strength.

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