The Good Morning

How to Perform the Good Morning Exercise

The good morning exercise is a compound movement that targets the posterior chain (the muscles on the backside of your body). This exercise can be performed with either free weights or a machine. In this article, we will focus on how to perform the good morning exercise and some of its variations. We will also discuss some of the common mistakes people make when performing this exercise.

What muscles does the good morning work?

The good morning exercise works the erector spinae (back muscles), glutes, and hamstrings. The erector spinae is responsible for maintaining the upright position of the spine. The glutes are the largest muscles in the body and are responsible for hip extension. The hamstrings are a group of three muscles that run down the back of the thigh and are responsible for knee flexion.

The good morning exercise is a compound movement, which means it involves multiple joints and multiple muscle groups. The posterior chain muscles are used to a greater extent in this exercise than the anterior chain muscles (the muscles on the front side of your body). This is due to the fact that the good morning exercise is a hip-hinge movement. A hip hinge is when you move at the hips while keeping your spine relatively stationary. This movement pattern is often used in activities such as deadlifts, kettlebell swings, and box jumps.

Hip Extension is one of the most important movement patterns for athletes and general fitness enthusiasts. It is important for sprinting, jumping, and other explosive movements. Deadlifts and other hip-hinge exercises are some of the best exercises for developing hip extension strength. Our sedentary lifestyle, which involves sitting for long periods of time, can lead to tight hips and weak glutes. This can lead to a host of problems such as lower back pain, knee pain, and hip pain. The good morning exercise is a great way to combat these issues.

How do you perform the good morning exercise?

The good morning exercise can be performed with either a barbell or a kettlebell. If you are using a barbell, you will want to place the bar on your shoulders, behind your neck. You can use a weight belt to secure the bar in place if needed. If you are using a kettlebell, you will hold the kettlebell by the horns (the handles that are perpendicular to the bell). You will want to keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.

To begin the exercise, you will want to push your hips back and bend at the waist. Keep your spine in a neutral position and avoid rounding your back. Once you have reached a comfortable position, you will reverse the motion and return to the starting position. You will want to exhale as you reach the bottom of the movement and inhale as you return to the starting position.

Common Mistakes

One of the most common mistakes people make when performing the good morning exercise is rounding their back. This can put a lot of unnecessary stress on the spine and lead to injury. It is important to keep your spine in a neutral position throughout the entire range of motion. Another common mistake is not keeping your knees slightly bent. This puts a lot of stress on the knees and can lead to injury. It is important to keep your knees slightly bent throughout the entire range of motion.

The Good Morning Variations

There are a few variations of the good morning exercise that you can try.

Variation #1: Seated Good Morning

The seated good morning is a great variation for beginners. This variation allows you to keep your spine in a neutral position and avoid rounding your back. To perform this variation, you will want to sit on the edge of a bench or chair. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your thighs. From here, you will push your hips back and bend at the waist. Once you have reached a comfortable position, you will return to the starting position.

Variation #2: Stiff-Legged Good Morning

The stiff-legged good morning is a great variation for advanced lifters. This variation allows for a greater range of motion and a deeper stretch in the hamstrings. To perform this variation, you will want to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Bend at the waist and place your hands on your thighs. From here, you will want to lower your torso until it is parallel to the floor. Once you have reached the bottom of the movement, you will return to the starting position. You will want to keep your legs straight throughout the entire range of motion.

Variation #3: Dumbbell Good Morning

The dumbbell good morning is a great variation for those who want to add weight to the exercise. The difference is that instead of bending at the hip, you bend at the knee. You can use this variation to increase the amount of weight you’re using and stretch your hamstrings further. To perform this variation, you will want to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Bend at the waist and place your hands on your thighs. From here, you will want to lower your torso until it is parallel to the floor. Once you have reached the bottom of the movement, you will return to the starting position. You will want to keep your legs straight throughout the entire range of motion.

Variation #4: Resistance Band Good Morning

The resistance band good morning is a great variation for those who want to add resistance to the exercise. This variation enables you to increase the amount of resistance you apply and achieve a deeper stretch in the hamstrings. To perform this variation, you will want to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Bend at the waist and place your hands on your thighs. From here, you will want to lower your torso until it is parallel to the floor. Once you have reached the bottom of the movement, you will return to the starting position. You will want to keep your legs straight throughout the entire range of motion.


The good morning exercise is a great way to build strength in the hamstrings and glutes. There are a few variations of the good morning exercise that you can try, depending on your level of fitness. The most important thing to remember when performing this exercise is to keep your spine in a neutral position and avoid rounding your back. If you experience any pain, stop the exercise immediately and consult a doctor.

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